The wedding was on Friday and this evening has been spent going through our photos. I'm pleased to say it was a SUCCESS - we have enough good photos for our niece and although I was terribly nervous and anxious beforehand; I ended up thoroughly enjoying my role as official photographer!! I made a few mistakes and we had a couple of disasters but on the whole I'm happy!
The photo is of the beautiful bridesmaids, including our twin nieces aged 10. Aren't they sweet? The bride made all the bridesmaids dresses, plus she knitted all the flowers used in the wedding, along with the little rabbits and dorothy bags the twins are carrying. I hope to post some of the photos of the flowers later; they are very effective!
The day was very dull and we had some exposure problems. I found I was constantly having to vary the ISO and over or under expose.
The advice I had from various sources was invaluable; here are the bits I found most useful:
Be assertive - this didn't come easily but I decided to sort of act a part as a confident photographer and managed to carry it off. I was told I was telling jokes and seemed very calm and assured - phew!Inside I was shaking!
Have a list of the photos I wanted to create - this really helped in those "my mind's gone blank" moments.
Get help rounding up people for shots - one of the ushers was brilliant; I gave him a copy of the above list and he was very helpful.
I concentrated on formal groups and Phil did mainly candids.I bottled out of the big group shot however and he did that one!
We did the big group shot first after the ceremony when everyone was out of the church- great advice. I would add that a small step ladder is useful for this if space is restricted - Phil managed to rustle one up when we realised the area in front of the church was smaller than we'd remembered and it worked out very well taking the group from a higher vantage point.
Things that didn't go so well...our new speedlight refused to fire for the signing of the register and the "in the car" shots weren't too good for the same reason.The confetti toss...we only had enough for one attempt and if we do another wedding; I'll make sure we take our own supplies!
We did a "mock" cake cutting before the reception - much easier than doing it in front of a room full of people!
We were lucky enough to be able to do "detail" shots - flowers, rings etc today. This took a lot of the pressure off us yesterday.It was a lot of fun...we played around with tulle, beads, silver confetti etc.
Thanks everyone for your advice (especially picperfic and John) and encouragement...
Now, I just want to do another wedding!!