This is one of my favourite photos of recent times. It was taken from quite a few feet away at F5.6 which threw the BG quite out of focus. I don't know what the plant is...bet Ruth knows! It has been suggested that I clone out that stray leaf in the extreme bottom left; I tried but I'm so bad at cloning so you could tell something had been there.
My IBS has been bad the last few days; I know it's probably a combination of nerves/excitement about doing more wedding photography. I'm so far out of my comfort zone it's not true BUT I can't turn my back on this opportunity. I just need to find a way of living with the fear and not letting it take over my life.
Since the New Year I've been making real efforts to improve my attitude to life - I've been passive for so long, allowing myself to be a victim of both my own moods and those of people around me. I'm trying to be more positive and that's quite a turnaround for someone who's always been convinced the glass was not only half-empty but probably about to fall off the table and shatter on the floor!
I can't begin to describe how even tiny changes in my mental attitude have altered my life for the better. There are still the ever present anxieties and insecurities, the sadness and the hurt..they haven't gone away...but MAYBE I am learning to get them more in proportion.