2008 was also the year of "Mamma Mia" and "Sex & the City - the movie" - both made me really happy and continue to do so now I've got them on DVD :)
Looking back over the year I have very mixed feelings. Phil and I spent quite a lot of time apart as he was away on his commission but although it was hard at first I got used to it and came to appreciate time spent alone with the girls.
I especially missed him on our summer holiday in Bath but my lovely in-laws made it a very enjoyable and special holiday for us Mann females! We had one of happiest ever weeks in the Lakes in October - it was great to be together again.
As I wasn't away so much I was able to put more effort into the garden and my success with veggie growing in a small way has inspired me to create a vegetable garden for 2009.
Work has been great, with the reading groups and other projects going well, but all the uncertainty about cutbacks and changes is making for an uncertain start to 2009 in the libraries. I'm hoping I have the courage to face the challenges ahead and above all make sure my staff are ok.
I'm enjoying RDA and my time at the stables more than ever and am proud of Sian's continued progress at riding.
The worst happenings 0f 2008 were the deaths of Karen in August and Kathy in November. I will miss them both so much and cherish every memory I have of them.
I've been thinking a lot about friendships, as I've mentioned in previous posts. I'm really sad that a couple of people I thought were close friends aren't anymore but I'm trying not to dwell on that or waste time trying to work out what, if anything, I did wrong!
I'm happy I've continued blogging for another year and made some new blogfriends along the way. I'm grateful for the challenges I've come across and the lessons I've learned and for all the great books I've read along the way.
Healthwise, I'm no better but thankfully neither am I any worse!!
I'm continually reminding myself how blessed I am with my loving husband, my wonderful daughters, a great extended family, brilliant workmates and loyal and supportive friends. They all have a lot to put up with as I'm not easy to live with!
I love my two cats so much, and they give me pleasure every single day of my life. Maybe 2009 will be the year I finally feel able to get another dog???
As another year draws to close, I'm thinking (as I often do!) when will I start to feel truly grown up? When will all that "wisdom", "maturity" and "confidence" arrive?
I hope everyone has a very happy New Year's Eve and I'll see you all next year!