For my mum Edwina Rose - so much missed and loved, every day of my life. I am sorry I let you down the way I did.I hope you can forgive me. I love you, Mum xxx
And for June, my dearly loved mother-in-law. Get well, dearest June, we need and love you so much. xxx
Mother is just a little girl who trod my path before me;
Just a bigger wiser little girl who ran ahead.
Bigger, stronger, wiser girl who always watches o'er me.
One who knows the pitfalls in the rugged road I tread.
Mother is a playmate who will always treat me kindly -
Playmate who will yield me what true happiness demands.
She will never let my feet stray into brambles blindly -
Mother's just a bigger little girl who understands.
Mother is an older little playmate who'll befriend me -
Yesteryear she travelled in the path that's mine today.
Never need I fear a foe from which she may defend me -
Faithful little pal who ran ahead and learned the way.
Author Unknown
Mother's Day is always bittersweet for me. I so wish Mum was still here to share this day with me and the grand-daughters she never got to know.