Today I put some work up for sale on Red Bubble (see links in sidebar). I actually joined back in October but never got around to uploading large enough images for them to actually be sold. I don't have any great expectations of selling anything but it's worth a try...!
Today has flown by. I rushed around like a mad thing this morning tidying the house then did some photo editing/uploading before going off to RDA. This evening was spent cooking, washing up and ironing - yuck. Phil is away over night.
We had an earthquake here in the UK last night...I slept through it! The last time we had one, Phil was away and I awoke to find the wardrobe shaking. In my groggy, barely-awake state, I assumed it was a poltergeist. I lay there very still and afraid until sleep over took me again. I felt very foolish in the morning and decided not to mention my nocturnal visitor. On the way to school I met up with some friends. "Did you feel the earthquake?" they asked. "Oh was it an earthquake?" I replied. "Thank God for that, I thought it was a poltergeist. They all seemed to find that VERY amusing!!
On a course for the next two days so I'm off for an early-ish night :)