It's been such a busy few days. On Sunday we all went over to Wilmslow to have Sunday dinner with friends G & G ....mmm, lovely food! I took along my sticky toffee pudding by special request.
On Monday Phil and I went to FOCUS at the NEC in Birmingham. It was an interesting day although busy and crowded there. We met up with a few friends there including Caroline, adding a touch of glamour to the place as usual! Sadly all we bought was insurance....no nice new cameras or lenses!!
Yesterday I was back at work (still no news on the forthcoming closures) and today I went for a long walk with Jane, visited my photography boss Andy and then went to RDA. Phil & were supposed to be going to an inter-club competition (photography) tonight but he's stuck in work and can't get back to pick me up. I'm actually not sorry; I'm really tired.
Phil missed pancake night yesterday because he was stuck in a meeting and had to get a later train :(
I'm still really anxious, worrying about everything, fighting these massive waves of panic that keep sweeping over me. I wish I knew how to cope with this. I just don't know what to do...