Very suitable as I'm feeling a little blue myself!
Today started off really well with a cuddle in bed from my cat Shea and a walk with J and Buster. then it was home for lunch and off to RDA. Then it all went a bit pear-shaped...! I'm not going into details but it felt a bit like the last straw after the past few months.
On the bright side, I had a text from Phil that my mum in law is being released from hospital tomorrow which is great news and my redesigned website is up and running...Julie Mann Photography - after several days off line as everything got transferred.
I still need to upload some more images to it as well as process the several hundred from the wedding we did on Easter Saturday. We have a couple coming to see us on Sunday about a booking for January next year - the guy sounds really nice and I'm looking forward to meeting them but I gather they are seeing several photographers and somehow I don't expect to get the booking.
Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary - 21 years; hard to believe!
Funny to think that I started this blog because I was so worried about bird flu I was almost driving myself demented! And now we are facing the threat of swine flu! I am surprising myself by NOT descending into total panic yet but I am rather anxiously checking the news for developments. I'm not worried for me but for the girls...that's being a parent for you, I guess.
We have no idea what will happen about our trip to New York City at the end of May...just a case of wait and see what develops, I suppose.