Thanks to everyone who made such supportive comments on my last post; I'm so grateful to all of you who stop by and encourage me when i'm feeling low!
One of my "things" on wedding shoots is looking for people taking photos and photographing them and if i can catch the image on the back of the camera that's an added vbonus. Here is a shot of the camcorder screen with the screen in focus and the subject thrown out of foucus - I like it, hope you do too.
Another busy week has flown by and i can see I'm going to need to be more disciplined about time now I'm working full time. I also rode this week and i've spent quite a bit of time creating a wedding album for M&K. I'm so enjoying that but it is painstaking work and I get quite absorbed, only to realise hours have flown by!
We got our new sample albums through this week and they are GORGEOUS; more expensive than the ones we currently use but really outstanding. I can't wait to photograph them and put them on the website.
In between everything else I'm gardening every moment i can. I am thrilled my potatoes in sacks are growing like crazy. I just love this time of year in the garden when everything is fresh and lush.
It's boiling hot tonight and Phil is doing a BBQ - better see if he needs a hand!