I am worried as I haven't heard from A in California or K in Canada in a few days. I'm hoping all is well. If I hear nothing by tomrrow I'm calling them both.
P went up to the Lakes today to a meeting and I took S riding - she did really well on her favourite pony - the pony that most of the girls are too scared to ride! They did a lot of cantering and she looked so exhilerated! I'm so proud of her.
The rest of the day I did laundry and chores. Very exciting stuff. But tomorrow is Mothers Day so I don't want to be doing the vacuuming then! The girls and I are going swimming in the morning and then we are meeting P's family for lunch. Personally I'd rather it was just us but the day isn't just about me but about P's mum too and she's been a wonderful second mum to me.
I got the loveliest card and flowers from T. I spent some time taking photos of these perfect blooms. She is so kind to me and I feel so undeserving.
I'm so lucky to have so many wonderful friends to say nothing of a wonderful "adopted" daughter!
Beautiful flower shot, CG. And I hope things warm up for you over there, soon.
Oh, that's a great image! I love it close up!
Jealous! I want to go horse back riding! LOL
Hey, girl. Where arrre youuuuu? Hello, hello, anybody home???
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