This morning I got up early and went for a four-mile walk with three friends. We're doing a bit of training for the "Race for Life" cancer charity fundraising walk. It was a beautiful day for a country walk and we all enjoyed it. After and afternoon of ironing I went to watch S and her classmates dancing in the May around the school Maypole. There's a pic of her here in her costume. She did very well; there were no mistakes at all from any of the dancers.
I slept badly last night; thinking a lot about my brother and the way things are. I can't keep things in proportion at night.
I didn't know anyplace had the Maypole dance anymore. They don't here in CA. Good pic of S and the dress. Don't know about the Brother thing, but mine and I don't get along, never have, 180* diametrically opposed, so we just go our separate ways, and always have for may years. Keep in touch, maybe once a year, with an e-mail.
Thanks, djb. I know it's better for me that my brother and I keep our distances. I guess blood isn't always thicker than water.
HI, Cg, this is true.
I have it from both sides of the coin.
My birthsister that I found years ago has basically deleted me from her life as I talked about early on in my blog.
And my adopted brother that I grew up with basically looks at me like I am someone he met on the street.
Even though he lived at home into his 30's and then came to live with my hubby and I for over a year while he found a place.
We have never been invited to his home he has never acknowledged my sons as his nephews. I ran into him once on an outting and it was as if he just met a co-worker. kinda ( oh hi how are ya bye.)
So I think its not really family ties. It must be all about who we are as individuals cause from where I sit I cannot think of any other reason.
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