I am glad to see an end to this week, to be honest. Yesterday I had some very disheartening news at work that has given my confidence a huge knock - I am struggling to know how I can get through this. A minor irritation that I could have done without is that apparently our childrens birth certificates are the wrong sort and the passport office won't accept them as part of their passport applications. So I have to go into Chester and apply (and pay) for the RIGHT sort.... I have some personal worries as well which are causing me real anxiety and confusion.
Today started ok with both our Get Into Reading Group and the Knit & Natter sessions at the library going extremely well but after that I could feel myself getting increasingly discouraged, disheartened and eventually (to my shame) tearful. I walked around the Marine Lake at lunch time trying to pull myself together but without much luck I am away from Saturday to Monday in the Lakes and am going to do some serious thinking and hopefully come up with some solutions to my problems and worries.
The cat photo is of a Siamese we met inNorthumberland last summer. I have a real soft spot for this breed and he was a lovely friendly animal but full of ticks and fleas!

The second shot is a pic I took for a competition on the subject of eggs! It didn't turn out quite as I had hoped though :(
I was thinking of starting my own gardening blog as I have so enjoyed reading those of various fellow bloggers and got as far as setting it up but I seem to have lost heart for that too.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I'll look forward to catching up with you all next week. ((HUGS))