I didn't have a great start to my day. For various reasons I ended up driving to our monthly meeting knowing I was 30 minutes late. When I got to the car park there were no spaces and I had to circle round for 10 minutes. I eventually found a space, parked and got out. As I was walking away I heard an angry voice yell "Oi you, you stupid cow!" I looked back and the guy in the big black 4x4 next to my car had wound down his windows and was glaring at me. I went over and said "Is there something wrong? " Yes, you stupid cow; you just slammed your car door into my car!" he yelled, red in the face and sweating. "Did I?" I said blankly, and checked his door for damage...none. "I'm sorry," I said, "if I did that it was an accident and I apologise - there's no damage". "You stupid BLOODY cow", he yelled again, shaking his head from side to side. "I've apologised and there's no damage" I answered; "what more do you want?" And then I walked away.
I was pretty shaken. He was SOOOO angry. The strange thing was, he hadn't got out of the car to check for damage. I thought a polite apology would defuse his anger but it seemed to make it worse. It was scary...
It's annoying when some careless person scratches your car, I accept that. But he wasn't concerned enough to get out and check for damage - it was like he just wanted to scream at me and call me names. What sort of person keeps yelling abuse after the other person has apologised?
My knees stopped shaking about half an hour later!
If by any chance he reads this and recognises himself...I suggest anger management classes.
{{{HUGS}}} It rattles me when people behave so appallingly too. Maybe I'm just too timid by nature, but I intensely dislike confrontation.
I love your photo - it's just so creative and funny! It really brought a smile to my face.
Whew...not a good start to your day. You certainly did all the right things. That man definitely has some issues. Take a deep breath and move on.
How come I have missed so many of your posts? I'm so sorry and have red them all. I hope things brighten up for you really soon.
Smile, God loves you.
My stomach would have been in knots Julie! Great shot below as well of the flowers...
I gave you a shout out on my blog!
Well.... Only an insecure ass with a small penis and a large ego would verbally attack a woman the way that he did.
Some people are just angry all the time! :(
I agree with quiet rage. He should be ashamed of himself.
((((((BIG HUGS)))))) from me.
What a deeply unpleasant man he must be. Congratulations Julie on keeping your dignity. That's probably what wound him up, that you were cool and never lost control, when he'd lost his before he shouted at you the first time.
Some 4x4 drivers really think they're a cut above. Some prat in a Z5 blocked me into a car parking space in the high street last night. When I tracked him down he was waiting for a take-away in the Chinese. He made me wait until he had his order, no word of an apology, in fact he thought it was highly amusing. I hope he choked on his dinner! LOL. Big hugs and well done you. CH xxx
that would have upset me for quite some time, hope you are ok now...nasty man!
Oh CG, I am sorry this happened to you! I HATE confrontation! I think if he had yelled at me like that, I would have run the other way, not caring if I had hit his door or not. He sure didn't make it easy for you....and I think it took courage to walk over there and ask him what was wrong. Yikes! He must have some MAJOR issues! This puts my stomach in knots just thinking about it!!!
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