Hawthorn has such an evocative smell; in the garden of the house where I grew up, we also had a hawthorn hedge and when I close my eyes and sniff, I'm eight years old again.
It's a holiday weekend here in the UK. I'm working extra hours tomorrow morning but after that it's all family time. It's good to be all together after so much time with Phil away.
Hey Julie...I am sorry I have been MIA! Great shots! You have been busy! When you show Phil taking a pic you need to show his picture he is taking! Now I am all curious about what it looks like.
I hope you are well over there!
The gardens are looking lovely now aren't they CG?
Enjoy the weekend hon. x
have a wonderful weekend :)
it's great to feel 8 again isn't it!?
Just catching up on blogs, and yours is very interesting... lovely photos.
I concur with your worries over fuel costs. Here in Canada the cost of petrol is going up up up everyday, not quite as expensive as in Uk, but still pretty hard to take. Both my sons drive a long way to get to work, so their expenses in just getting there will soon be unaffordable!
Hey CJ
I hope your weeken was OK and that you wer having enough time to relax, njoy t=being with your family!!
Hug from JoAnn
I know what you mean about smelling hawthorn. I feel the same way about peonies.
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