Where's my mum?
I have been absent from the blogging world for a few days! I need a little time to catch up on my blog visiting - I am missing all my blogfriends. Thursday and Friday were really busy days at work (enjoyable though!) and on Friday night Phil returned from his week away in Scotland. Saturday I was at a wedding all day and on Sunday we met up with a friend and his daughter at Martin Mere; a wildfowl sanctuary (lots of ducks!!) It was nice to wander round snapping ducks etc, no pressure involved!
The photo above isn't great but I wanted to post it as it shows a tiny moorhen chick who was all alone and crying for its mum. A warden said it hadn't been abandoned, mum had just swum off for a bit, but this poor little ugly scrap was very forlorn!
The second photo is just a wildflower snap; it was a bit windy so not very sharp but I quite like the composition. More duck pics to follow no doubt...well, makes a change from weddings!
Today I went to aerobics then spent a few hours with A going through all the shots I need to take at my upcoming weddings. There is so much to remember. Wedding photography done well looks pretty effortless on the part of the photographer but there is so much organisation and preparation involved! Part of me is looking forward to being "in charge" and the whole challenge thing....the (larger?) part of me is s*&t scared!!

Gorgeous flower photo. Great composition. Poor little birdie. Hope his mom found him, or the other way around!
I'm sure wedding photography involves an enormous amount of organization and preparation, and probably requires quite a bit of practice, too, before the photographer really feels sure of what he/she is doing.
Oh that poor 'ickle chick. :(
You have been busy haven't you, and don't worry about the wedding you'll do just fine. x
we've just been to see a client tonight..I know all about the work involved! Love the flower photo, the selective focus works well.
eeeeeh Julie what a sweety , peep peep!
Also interesting to read about you, and your doings and interest, I might go to aerobics tomorrow too, Thanks for you interest in my medical (un) health. Thanks from JoAnn
what's that self-help book? feel the fear and do it anyway. that's it! It's a cliche and an annoying title BUT ... I'm scared all the time LOL but as I get older I learn to turn the fear into what I like to call crazed bravado.
You're so talented! If I had the patience I'd marry again just so you could take the photos.
Look at that little squaking birdie. You tell a whole story in a click of your camera.
You Just Go Girl!!!!!!!!!
Ma Maaaa.....I guess its a face only a mother could love. Great shot. Glad your hubby is home and you have had a good though busy few days.
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