My friend bought me this lovely wall plaque for my birthday last year...all the way from Madeira! It normally hangs on my kitchen wall but I moved it outside onto the patio table for an uncluttered background and better lighting. I like the way the weathered wood looks against the pottery.
Today one of my staff retired. M was there when I got the job at WK. We've been friends as well as colleagues. I will really REALLY miss her!
I have been reading a book that grew out of a blog today ..."Petite Anglaise" by Catherine Sanderson. It's quite an interesting read. Catherine starts blogging on an impulse but quickly becomes addicted. Her blog chronicles her life as an English girl in Paris, her relationship with a Frenchman and the eventual breakdown of their life together. She becomes involved with a guy she "met" from her comments box but that relationship too founders.
Catherine got sacked from her job because of her blog; she took her former employers to court and won compensation, then was offered a book deal!
I've read both favourable and critical reviews of the book but I have to say I rather liked Catherine - she seems pretty honest about herself. I related to a lot of the stuff she writes about blogging - the way she experiences some event or other and immediately starts composing a blog post in her head about it! She also mentions that sometimes she pours out her soul in a blog post but then hits DELETE instead of PUBLISH! Sometimes it's enough just to write it down...and then erase it.
Thanks for the supportive messages on yesterday's post. They mean a lot :)
I love your blue butterfly and your suncatcher in the post below. Blue is my favorite color!
Looking back, all of your blue projects are so pretty but today's is my favorite. I agree with you..the butterfly looks great against the wood.
that is a pretty butterfly too.
Oh the butterfly is gorgeous! I like the sound of that book too.
oh wow, for a while i thought it was a butterfly candy..so beautiful ...
What a wonderful butterfly! I thought I was visiting everyone every day but I seem to have missed so many posts. Trying to catch up now.
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