In my cups...
It's been a very busy few days! Saturday I went to a wedding and on Sunday (Fathers Day) we went over to Liverpool to do some shopping (not Phil's idea, poor man!) However we all got some essentials. In the evening Phil's parents came round for Chinese food.
I spent one evening last week editing photos and updating my website. I still have loads to do. I am so lucky to have built up a reasonable portfolio in the last six months.
Today's photo was (you've guessed it!) from a wedding shoot...I was taking photos of the table settings and somehow got locked in the room on my own. I eventually escaped through a fire door but before that amised myself by taking photos of the stack of crockery in the corner...
Does anyone remember Furbys? Sian's Furby woke up in the middle of last night for the first time in years, giving her a real fright and then chatting to her on and off for the next few hours. I have a bit of a soft spot for Furbies and he's now perched on the printer keeping me company as I type :)
I have just collected my new specs :) I really like them. So far the monovision contact lens are working out ok too. I've also got 4 Growbags to plant my runner and broad beans in later. Time to get going...
Love the shot of the cups! How Unique!
And I do remember the Furbys! They were very hard to find over here in the US, but I managed to find one for each of my kids! I have no idea if we still have those or not. Nice memory though!
Sian's Furby story reminds me of something that happened when Dylan was very small, still sleeping in a baby crib. He had a toy that glowed softly and sang a little song when a button was pushed. In the middle of one night when everyone was sound asleep, Dylan rolled over on the toy which, of course, lit up and started the song. Scared the daylights out of him, poor little guy, and he screamed his head off. Probably damaged his psyche or some such. Needless to say, that particular toy was removed from the crib.
I love the rows of cups!
You got locked in!? I thought only I did things like that.
I have a Furby. He doesn't talk to me anymore LOL
and congrats on the new specs - bet you look great.
I remember Furbys'! In fact I wasted many an hour playing with one...
Love the cup shot, but getting locked in would have freaked me a bit!
Mmmm chinese food is my favourite!
I have a Furby but he's been asleep a long time because the youngest grandchild is terrified of it!
Love the shot of the crockery. :)
I thought for a minute you had been taking photos of my cupboard as we have all white crockery. Did go through the phase of collecting designs, but they were always discontinued...so white it is!
"You can't go wrong with white!" LOL I sound like my mum!
The cups, saucers, and spoons photo is really well done. I love when a photo just begs to be converted to black and white. I like playing around with that.
The Furby thing is funny. Our daughters never owned one though. Over the years we've had "dead" wristwatches' alarms go off, or something similar and really spook us.
The thing that continually surprises us is the return of the Space Shuttle every few months. If the weather is right, they prefer to fly north up the Florida coast line and land at Cape Canaveral. We're about 40 miles (65km) south of there, and when it flies over, the huge Boom-Boom! of the sonic boom always makes us jump. It is way louder than any plane sonic boom, and literally rattles our home's windows. Our dogs run around the house barking like mad, looking for the evil culprit.
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