Saturday, July 26, 2008

Silver service..

Today's photo is a silver teaset I inherited from my mum. I never use it for tea and I hadn't polished it for so long it looked like brass it was so tarnished. However, i made the effort the other day and cleaned it and then recorded it for posterity!

Another Saturday, another lovely day assisting A at a wedding. Another fantastic couple! The bride's family were very friendly; I had a feeling I was going to enjoy the day when the bride's dad kissed me when we met! The weather was beautiful and the day went fairly smoothly.

Phil is home from spain and it's great to have him back I actually woke the poor guy up early this morning so we could talk. We took our coffee and toast out onto the deck to enjoy the morning and catching up on each other's news. It was one of those really perfect times when you feel that life is truly good...

Dianne from Forks off the Moment gave me these two lovely awards...

One is for making her smile
One is for not keeping my comments to myself. Thank you Dianne!!

I am going to pass this on to two very special blogfriends, whose comments and blogs always make me smile AND feel that the world is a richer place because they are in it...

Kerri from A little piece of me - Kerri always amazes me with the beauty of her nature photos and the inspiring quotes she finds to go with them


Sue - photowannabe - Sue also takes wonderful photos and she just radiates warmth and good will to everyone.

Thank you, ladies!

I am also very happy tonight because a brilliantly talented photographer/special person has returned to Blogland after quite a long absence.
Faye, WELCOME BACK!!! I missed you!


Kerri Farley said...

Thank you!! You are a very special person to me and I'm sure if we met in person we would be fast friends!!

That silver tea service is awesome!!

Dianne said...

I love that tea set. what a wonderful photo. Now it doesn't have to be cleaned again for generations :)

I'm so glad you were pleased with the awards - you're one of my favorite people.

photowannabe said...

Thank you so much for your thoughtful award. Its most appreciated and very kind.
I think the very best news is Fayes' return to blogdom. I have been so concerned for her and wondered if we would ever hear from her again.
that was so nice to acknowledge her on your post.

Anonymous said...

Awww CG, thanks for the welcome back. :)

This is a nice tea set. Things passed down in the family are so great to have.