Well, although the decorations aren't down yet, it feels like the holidays are over. I was back at work today. We were busy and I loved it. At our morning reading group we read Dylan Thomas's "A child's Christmas in Wales". If you've never read this, give it a go...we all loved it. It was great to be reading together again, it really is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.
Tonight Phil, Sian and I went out for Thai food - Kate being at a sleepover! Absolutely delicious it was too.
New Year's eve was lovely; friends came round and we ate, drank and played games :) Last night Phil's parents came for supper. In the afternoon there was a spectacular hoar frost on Helsby Hill so we walked up there. Phil forgot to put a memory card in his camera so I very unselfishly let him use mine. Aren't I good?
WE went to our favourite Chinese Restaurant last night and there was so much food they put what was left in container which we had tonight!
We took the tree and decorations down this afternoon - as you say Christmas is over so I just wanted to get back to normal.
You are so good :)
love the stained glass
glad you enjoyed the New Year
Hi Julie, sending ((((Huge Hugs)))) your way, remember you are always in my thoughts.
Your picture today is quite ironic, shows how we think alike (that old saying GREAT minds think alike!!) LOL, I was driving past a few churches a few days ago and wondering what the pastors would say if I asked them if I could photograph their stained glass windows even though I am not a member of any of the parishes and then I came here today and what do I see, stained glass, beautiful.
Keep your chin up gal and remember you are not alone.
You are so good. Such a selfless act to forgo your picture taking...
I had every intention of taking down the decorations today but it just didn't happen. I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow after church.
I'm getting so hungry for some good Chinese food. Haven't found a good restaurant since we moved here...having withdrawls.
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