I don't know if it's age, or the increasingly complex nature of my life, but I find I'm constantly making lists of things to do - and then I lose the list! I'm the sort of sad person who actually enjoys making "to do" lists and I must confess i have been known to write something on my list that I've actually just done - so i can have the satisfaction of crossing something of it! I'm also a bit of a procrastinator and tend to put off doing things and having them written down encourages me to tackle them without further delay.
In an idle moment last week I googled "to do" lists and found this (to me) wonderful notebook by Pukka Pads. I'm already a fan of Pukka Pads but have never seen these books in the shops. I ordered two and they came this week. I was sooooo excited (I think I need to get out more!)
Do you like cooking? I do, and what got me bouncing out of bed this morning was the discovery of a recipe for banana cake in my latest cookbook read - the interestingly titled "How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy Balanced Diet, with Very Little Money and Hardly Any Time, Even If You Have a Tiny Kitchen, Only Three Saucepans ... - Unless You Count the Garlic Crusher..." by Gill Holcombe. I also started making her lentil and tomoato soup recipe last night before I'd even got my coat off! I tend to get in a bit of a rut with cooking ; serving the same meals up on a regular basis,it's good to get a few new ideas occasionally.
Off to have some soup...