Thanks to Cheshire Wife for this really nice award! I'm passing it on to Mabe as I think both her blog and especially her poetry are very deserving of this award!
This week was pretty good up until Thursday evening when things went wrong somewhat and I was left feeling anxious and rather crushed. I slept really badly Thursday night and woke up thoroughly miserable Friday morning. You know that feeling that you've done something really wrong without ever intending to? Plus feeling you've let someone down AND lost faith in yourself? I had all those feelings in spades.
Since then I've gone over and over things in my mind but thinking and worrying and feeling anxious don't put things right. I've got no choice but to try to live with what's happened. I just wish I was a stronger character and that I wasn't so easily floored by "stuff".
Apparent from this situation; work has been fine and my new eating regime is going ok. I have started drinking the occasional cup of tea and coffee again, but with skimmed milk and NO SUGAR! I've tried to give up sugar in hot drinks before but failed. People always said if you could go two weeks without adding sugar you'd cracked it but that never worked for me. But I think because I gave up sugar totally on the five detox days and am avoiding it as much as i can in food, I've lost my taste for it. Anyway, the tea and coffee tasted really good without sugar for the first time ever...
I succumbed to some emotional eating of naan bread on Friday night with my curry (which as it's chicken shaslick was fine for the "diet") but apart from that lapse I'm doing ok. The strangest thing is I'm normally constantly thinking about food and suddenly I'm not. I didn't realise how much time I spent obsessing on food until now.
We had a nice couple come to see us today about their wedding in September next year but I didn't somehow get the vibe that they were going to book us.
Not long know until the school year ends. I have quite a lot of time off over the six weeks summer holiday and I'm really looking forward to having some time to do stuff at leisure instead of trying to cram everything into odd spare hours here and there....roll on the week after next!
Your girls are beautiful! I'm sorry you had a rough time Thursday night....but so glad you are doing well on your new eating plan.
I Love naan too!! That would be hard to give up!
Your girls are beautiful m'dear and that's a lovely photo of them together. :)
Our school finishes next Friday
17th for 7 weeks and boy am I looking forward to it!
Wow, I'm surprised and very touched that you're passing the award onto little ol' me! Thank you XXX
Hi Julie, my life has been a bit like yours on the motivation and creativity level. I cant believe I have missed so many of your posts again,
Your dauthters are beautiful and you have every right to be proud of them!!! Glad Sian got to go to Berlin.
It has breat watching your wedding photography progress, I remember your anxiety when you had your first one to do, you are a natural.
I wish we could find a Butchery here, all of the meat here is bought in the big chain supermarkets and boy is it expensive. Mutton and lamb is something we very rarely see here and I have forgotten what a good steak is! Miss the Chinese takeouts and Indian takeouts on every corner like in UK too.
Fabulous New York shots, I particularly love the Empire State Building one with the telescope!!!
Think of you daily, hope all is going well. (((Hugs))))
You are doing fabulous with your eating routine. I'm proud of you.
I think what we will be eating in Kenya will have the detox effect on me just as with you.
Your daughters are so lovely. You can be so proud. I hope they will enjoy their summer holiday too.
You talked about naan and shaslick, I haven't heard those words since being in Uzbekistan. Fresh baked naan with homemade preserves was the best thing I had ever tasted and the shaslick from the local vendor was wonderful too. Thanks for the memories.
Ohhh your girls are beautiful!
Hope this week goes better for you. Congratulations on the progress you are making on your eating plan.
Incredible shot of your beautiful daughters. You'd have to be insane not to think of them so.
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