The day was not without incident! The low point was when i realised I'd left my camera bag in the ceremony room and it had been locked! I had both my cameras but all my spare memory cards and my phone were in the bag. Phil had to charge all over the place in sweltering heat to locate someone with a key. I was NOT popular.
Since then I have been busy editing photos and trying not to have a nervous breakdown! Sian's riding lesson on Sunday morning went very well and she has a trial promotion to the next ride up, which makes me very proud! A very busy day at work on Monday helped distract me from my worries and a really lovely day at Annie's yesterday did me the world of good. Annie's little girl is like bottled sunshine and she and Sian had lots of fun together. Annie also set up her studio lighting so we could have a little photography fun, with Sian as our model.
Today I've been shopping in Chester with the girls. It was a pretty grotty day, weather-wise, so a bit of retail therapy was just the ticket. I got two rather glam new bras plus matching knickers in the M&S sale for about a quarter of the original price :)
Tomorrow is GCSE results day and Kate is getting very anxious. I hope she and all her classmates and friends do really well; they have worked so hard!
Nice surprise for the bride!
Glad to hear you got your camera bag etc back.
Fingers crossed for Sian's results. :)
Sorry about the camera incident but it seems it worked out well at last.
Retail therapy really does work... and I love to be around those with bottled sunshine.
Great descriptions.
Tension at a wedding??? Phew! Wxactly!
love your blog -- as one compulsive worrier to another -- I'm going to follow your blog.
Nice meeting you :) Sue
Hope Kate got on OK.
(Please don't mention M & S sales - Jo will have me off to Chester in no time. We've already done the Birkenhead and Liverpool M & S sales...)
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