As I'm working tomorrow this will be my last blog post before Christmas. And I am going to dedicate it to Basil & Shea, the two furry members of the Mann household.
As I look back on the year almost ending, I can remember the ups and downs, the fun and the sadness - nothing unusual there. The latter part of 2009 has certainly held at lot of sorrow for our family and we face 2010 with a great deal of trepidation. But through everything, there has been the constant companionship and joy of our two cats.
I'm lucky enough to have two great jobs, a lovely extended family, kind and loyal friends. And I am so grateful to them all. But today I'm saying a huge "thank you" to Basil and Shea who literally bring love, laughter and fun into every single day. They are "only cats" yet they mean so much to all of us. They are "only cats" but they are truly members of our family.
I was brought up with dogs and never lived with a cat until my marriage. For 17 years we had two cats and my beloved dog, Charlie. I hope one day I'll have a dog again. I used to think cats were aloof, distant creatures, lovely but cold. You needed a dog, I felt, for love, loyalty, companionship.
But....You could not meet two more loving, loyal and companionable animals than B & S. Basil is rotund, genial and extremely excentric; he talks a lot, chews things like a dog and has to be with you; if we are not around he joins my neighbour for a chat and stroke. Shea is delicate, fastidious, likes to play fetch and is slightly needy yet ventures further than his mate in his explorations round the neighbourhood. He too loves to be close. He loves to come for a long cuddle under the duvet with me every morning. They live with us because they choose to, no fences keep them in, nothing compels them to stay with us most of the time.
I'm not stupid; I know my cats aren't people; I don't want them to be. They are cats. They are great cats - the best cats in MY world. They make us very happy. They cheer us up when the gloom descends. We all love them very much. And they love us.
So thank you, my feline pals, for being there, for being are friends.
Finally.....A very Merry Christmas to all my blog friends; who make life so much brighter every day for this compulsive worrier; bless you all and keep you safe this festive period.
As I look back on the year almost ending, I can remember the ups and downs, the fun and the sadness - nothing unusual there. The latter part of 2009 has certainly held at lot of sorrow for our family and we face 2010 with a great deal of trepidation. But through everything, there has been the constant companionship and joy of our two cats.
I'm lucky enough to have two great jobs, a lovely extended family, kind and loyal friends. And I am so grateful to them all. But today I'm saying a huge "thank you" to Basil and Shea who literally bring love, laughter and fun into every single day. They are "only cats" yet they mean so much to all of us. They are "only cats" but they are truly members of our family.
I was brought up with dogs and never lived with a cat until my marriage. For 17 years we had two cats and my beloved dog, Charlie. I hope one day I'll have a dog again. I used to think cats were aloof, distant creatures, lovely but cold. You needed a dog, I felt, for love, loyalty, companionship.
But....You could not meet two more loving, loyal and companionable animals than B & S. Basil is rotund, genial and extremely excentric; he talks a lot, chews things like a dog and has to be with you; if we are not around he joins my neighbour for a chat and stroke. Shea is delicate, fastidious, likes to play fetch and is slightly needy yet ventures further than his mate in his explorations round the neighbourhood. He too loves to be close. He loves to come for a long cuddle under the duvet with me every morning. They live with us because they choose to, no fences keep them in, nothing compels them to stay with us most of the time.
I'm not stupid; I know my cats aren't people; I don't want them to be. They are cats. They are great cats - the best cats in MY world. They make us very happy. They cheer us up when the gloom descends. We all love them very much. And they love us.
So thank you, my feline pals, for being there, for being are friends.
Finally.....A very Merry Christmas to all my blog friends; who make life so much brighter every day for this compulsive worrier; bless you all and keep you safe this festive period.
I hope you have a Very Happy Christmas at the Mann household, including Basil and Shea and I wish you a Healthy and Happy 2010. x
What a lovely post :)
I know what you mean about cats though. I'm not a dog person although I too was brought up with them. I got my first cat 23 years ago followed 4 years later with my second cat. They lived happily together although I think they tolerated each other. One of the cats had to be put to sleep. Her back end went, we missed her a lot. So we were left with one cat until I found the disappearing Hobbes, who still hasn't been seen since his last vanishing act. Isabelle still talks about him and misses him, but Mitzy is my old (literally) faithful. She's losing her balance and falls off things, particularly in her sleep, but she never forgets when it's dinner time and is very vocal about when she's hungry. Bless her, she'll be 19 next May, but I don't know whether she'll see her birthday or not. I'm seriously considering getting another cat before she 'goes'. I can't imagine my house being cat'less.
Have a lovely Christmas, including your two kitties
Love Annie xxx
Shea looks like OUR cat!!! Don't dismiss your cats as "only cats." They ARE part of the family.
Merry Christmas to you and all your family
Mia and Siren send special hugs to Shea and Basil
What a lovely post! Makes me quite sad that we no longer have a cat but happy for you that they bring you such pleasure. I hope next year is a really good one for you and have a lovely Christmas XXX
I hope that you had a good Christmas and that you have a Happy New Year. I am sure the cats will!
A very belated Merry Christmas to you Julie. I love the shots of your two feline family members. I also wish you a joyous happy New Year.
Your blogging friend, Sue
Love the feeling animals stir inside us! All different yet all so welcome.
Happy New Year!
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