I am feeling very guilty as I have been very bad at commenting on blogs lately - I do apologise. I have been visiting you all and keeping up with what's going on but somehow the extra effort involved in posting a comment has been a step too far for me - I'm shattered. Everything seems to require huge amounts of energy and I have been working quite a few extra hours which have soaked up a lot plus I'm trying to get back into my exercise routine.
The housework is building up and the spring sunshine is really cruel, showing up all the dirt and dust accumulating everywhere. I need to do massive amounts of cleaning but i can't find the time or the energy!
My "To Do" list keeps getting longer; i have stuff to do at work, for the business, in the house and on a personal level. Help!!
On the positive side; I'm enjoying (well, LOVING) riding again. Life is ok, fab at times...but I haven't enough hours in the day for stuff.
I'll make sure I'm a better blog friend in future; I promise!
You don't need to apologise. You're one of the few people who read my blog that do actually comment and I really appreciate it. But you need to look after yourself and not be too hard on yourself. You work very hard and true friends would want you to put yourself first. Other less important things can wait. XXX
Not a problem at all. Life tends to get in the way all the time.
You and your family come first
just stumbled upon your blog, I love the photograph in this particular blog. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Let the dust pile up.... Your real friends DO NOT CARE!!!! Trust me. Spend time riding and with your family.
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