I forgot to mention yesterday that on Friday night, the Helsby Coven sallied forth to celebrate the 40th birthday of the baby of our group, D, who still looks around 25! We had a fabulous time - the best bit was when D opened a series of presents put together by M, to fully prepare her for life on the other side of 40...these included:
- A handy name badge for when the senior moments strike and you forget your own name..
- Big knickers with a tasteful floral design to stop you getting a chill on your kidneys...
- Hair removing cream for the dreaded whiskers on the chin!
- An orange shower cap shaped like a dog...with four legs and a tail...D put it on and she STILL looked good. I have a photo but dare not publish it here in case she kills me!
- A pink diamante thong for when you are in denial about your age :)
- Wind-ease tablets for that awful age-related flatulence.
This weekend has made me feel very grateful for the wonderful friendships I enjoy.