Sunday, March 12, 2006

It's SNOWING again here! I'm worried about the frogspawn which appeared in our pond this week. I suggested to Phil last night that we scoop it out of the pond and into a bucket and bring it indoors until the cold snap passed but he refused. It will die if it gets too cold so I told him a whole frog generation will be wiped out but does he care? No!

I hope G and T make it up here; it's not good weather for driving. I am baking them chocolate cake.


Secretly Me said...

Oh, it's almost done tho! Not much more of the icky stuff before we all can finally enjoy some nicer weather! We got a couple really nice days this weekend, but there's snow coming our way again... ugh!

Have a great visit with G and T and be sure to give them hugs from me and pass a hello on!

TotalChaos said...

Hope T and G were able to make it, and have a good visit. Turned cold and rainy here this week on and off.