Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Window Box
I saw this on a walk we took just after arriving at the cottage. I liked the contrast between the fresh, colourful live flowers in the window box and the rather sad looking silk flower arrangement the other side of the glass!!
I am still trying to catch up on household chores. Even a short break away seems to generate huge amounts of mess and laundry! I am having the big hedge in the back garden cut today. it's huge and it's hawthorn so I'm not able to do it myself.

A couple of views of Rydal Water taken from Loughrigg Fell.

I have been quite ill since I got home; my IBS is terrible. Not sure if it was the change of water or that I wasn't eating so well (not enough fibre and too much wine, crisps and chocolate!) or if it's my anxiety getting the better of me - whatever it is it hurts a lot and I'm feeling bruised inside. I have said no to a swimming trip and a day out at Monkey World with friends "just in case".

My Canadian friend K is back in hospital in Edmonton. I talked to her quite recently and she was very positive and said she was feeling good but I just heard she has been coughing relentlessly and so the doctors want her to go in. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I know she'll be so sad to be back in hospital yet again and so far from her home and her family too.

It is such a beautiful day here and I'm hoping to take S into Chester to get these long birth certificates, do a little shopping and then some gardening when we get home. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!


Anna said...

Beautiful landscape shots. I love the window box. I hope that you have fun and get lots of lots of wonderful of photos to share.

Akelamalu said...

Followed a link from the Easter Bunnies competition.

Love the pictures of the window box and Rydal Water. Where I live all the streets, roads etc are named for the Lake District. I live on Rydal Grove. Nice blog you have here.

RUTH said...

You are so right about the contrast between the real and unreal flowers. Those views are magnificent too! I'm sorry to hear about your friend K...I hope she will be back with her family soon. Forgive me if I've said it before but have you tried Aloe Vera...I know these natural remedies can work differently for different people but it may be worth a try. There's a bit of info here

picperfic said...

I must admit, Iused to take aloe vera juice...I might get some tomorrow, it really soothes the bowel. Stay calm J, I'll try and heed my own advice too. Life is chatic and hectic for Barry and I right now but we aregoing to stay in Devon on Saturday for a few days, that should sort me out. I have tomake a birthday cake for Emilia. She's six whilst we are there and we are all going to the party! Maisie and I are going into cambridge tomorrow to do some girlie stuff. Rest to your poorly friend...x

Kaycee said...

I hope that you are feeling much better, CG! I will keep your dear friend K in my thoughts and prayers.
I really like the contrast between the flowers. Well spotted!