Thank you all from the heart for your kind comments yesterday! I wish I knew why these waves of unhappiness and lack of confidence arrive almost without warning. I can't stop them but I hold onto the knowledge that they won't last and that eventually I'll feel better. I'm starting to feel a little better now! Your kind words mean so much to me.
And thanks to dear J, who is always such a help :)
OH MY! the silver lady is stunning.
kind of makes me think of how I see you!! glad you're on the way back to feeling better-er
hormones and craziness - they're my devilish mix ;)
If it gets too much, just hop on a plane out here and forget about everything for a while. Just don't forget your smoke mask.
Fabulous silver lady! And I have found that my "swings" are definitely hormonal. And I just tell myself that in a few days it will be better...and it always is!
I hope you are feeling MUCH better now!
Glad to hear things are looking brighter honey. xx
So glad you're feeling better. Hugs to you from me. xoxo
Glad you are feeling better! I swear by St.John's Wort!
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